Let's change the equation for diversity across every industry.
Take the pledge and become a Multiplier today.

If every leader pledges to sponsor at least one person different from them, collectively we can have a multiplier effect on building a diverse* pipeline of extraordinary talent at every level.

Today, I take the pledge to:

  • Sponsor at least one extraordinary person different from me to advance their career
  • Challenge my peers to do the same

*Full-spectrum diversity-inclusive of gender, generation, race, ethnicity, orientation, ability, nationality, religion, veteran status, background, culture, experience, strengths, and perspectives.

Simply provide your email address to get started

If you are a returning pledger, use your registered email address to access resources.


Challenge your peers

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The Multiplier Effect for my company

Thank you for your interest! We will contact you when more details are available. If you have questions, please email us at info-multiplydiversity@cisco.com.

Why sponsorship

Why sponsorship?

Changing the equation for diversity must happen. Sponsorship is key to accelerating the pipeline of diverse talent in every industry, and is essential for sustained innovation and success.

Find out more by downloading Overview and Sponsorship Impact. Learn how you can help make a change.


What industry leaders are saying?

  • Pay attention to the great people around you. When you surround yourself with diverse backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences, it is incredible what you can learn from others and apply in your role.

  • You need to understand what your brand is and that your sponsor is putting their brand on the line for you. Know your value-add and represent yourself accordingly.

  • With every relationship, I want to be able to help the person move forward in their career, like my sponsors helped me. It takes time and understanding on both sides to make it work.

  • There's always someone who had an influence on your career journey. Pay it forward. Take what you've received and give it to someone else in your own way. The Multiplier Effect is a great way to accomplish this.

  • Diversity and diverse perspectives are so important. The Multiplier Effect pledge is a great way to make the commitment to sponsor someone and to learn about the ways of taking sponsorship to the next level.

  • Sponsorship begins by recognizing that special 'it' factor - going far beyond just doing a great job. It brings the two-way trust, the authenticity, and both sides putting in the work required.
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Get started, now!

Become a multiplier
Take the pledge, challenge your peers, and share your sponsorship story.
Interested in leveraging The Multiplier Effect at your company? Start by taking the pledge.
Access resources
Access resources
Take the pledge to access the Getting Started Guide and more.